Meet the Maker

I wanted to give you a little more background about myself other than the generic “I’m a mom and a wife!” bit I shared in the “About” section of my site. Truth is, I can’t pinpoint why I want to write all this stuff down just yet – and I have no idea who would enjoy reading it – but here I am. Winging it.

I am 23 years old and have been married to my husband, Codee (yes, it’s two “e’s” instead of a “y”), for coming up on two years. We also have a daughter who is currently nine months old. Of all the surprises in my life, she was the best one EVER – and we completely enjoy watching her learn and grow (wait, that’s the hardest part!). But really, we are just so proud to call her “ours.”

Although we are newlyweds, we dated for nearly 7 years before tying the knot. I was 14 and he was 18 when we began our story together (whoops – someone robbed the cradle!). We dated all through my high school career and throughout college as well. Making it through the all torturous “long-distance relationship” and finally landing in the chapel. Unlike our surprise of a daughter, our marriage was not, and I had every detail of our big day perfectly planned. You’ll catch on eventually that I love planning parties and events (and I’m pretty freaking good at it if I do say so myself) down to the very last detail. I love making others feel special and appreciated, and organizing milestone events for them is my way of accomplishing that. I’ll share some tips on how to make those occasions special for the special people in your life – read on! (Oh look! Some direction as to why I am blogging!)

Ok, what else is there to share? Age – check. Marital Status – check. Family – check. Oh schooling! That thing I did for four years, and I think I learned something while I was there, and it will help me get my dream job one day because I got the degree and I did the work and now I will always have that degree and be ok. Right. Well that’s what we all hope. We have such good intentions when we begin college, of choosing the correct path (Sometimes it’s hard to make money AND be happy! Amiright?), staying focused, dreaming big, but also being realistic. Well, I did make it through and get that degree I wanted. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design-and finished a month early no less, to bring my daughter into the world  (I am just gonna stand over here and pat myself on the back).

I had someone, a salesman believe it or not, question why I needed a degree for this. “Oh I didn’t know you needed a degree for that. Don’t you just move couches around?” Hmph. Yes, I spent $40,000 at a University with a Nationally Accredited program to learn the art of Feng-shui.” No, I do not want a membership to Genesis Health Club, don’t call again.”

Although it was a refreshing accusation to the normally recited “oh fun! You pick paint colors for a living!” Right on chicka. This post isn’t a rant about the lack of understanding of what Interior Designers actually do, although I may get into that later down the road, but rather to state simply that I don’t regret my degree decision. I still absolutely love all things design and I learned a ton while in school. But, I don’t have that dream job yet. That’s what I am trying to work through. I got the degree – now what?

Right now I focus heavily on my family life (aren’t they just so cute?!), while juggling a full time design job and trying to keep our house from looking like we lead the crazy busy lives that we do. I want it to have that “we just sat around all day and didn’t touch anything” look. Insert dog, baby, husband, and little time and you get a semi-put together home. Just nice enough for me to function in. Until tomorrow.

I hope for this blog to not offer just one thing. I will post about my family life (first time parents are a great source of humor), my design projects, DIY tutorials, event planning advice and ideas, possibly some failed recipe attempts, and overall maybe just let one person know – it’s ok to not have a clue what you are doing.

Thanks for reading! Until next time!

Lots of Love, Katie




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