Two Years of the Best

Today we celebrate our Second Wedding Anniversary!

Time has flown so quickly and our lives have changed so much in the past two years. It feels like last week we had the most wonderful and perfect day together, with all of our family and friends. And it definitely feels like yesterday we were welcoming our most wonderful and perfect baby girl into the world. Glad that wasn’t the actual timeline though 😉

I love that our marriage is young enough that we still encounter “firsts” on a regular basis. Year 1 was filled with buying our first house, completing my college degree, and having our first child. Year 2 I bought my first car, and together we watched Collins conquer every “first” possible, from smiling to crawling, to more recently, walking EVERYWHERE. Oh, and also fully enjoying all of her first holidays. Those days are some of my favorites. I love getting to experience all of these “firsts” together.

On the radar for year 3 so far is our first family vacation – which couldn’t be more of an adventure, Ireland & England! Codee graduating from his Master’s program, and who knows what else. I’d say we have a lot to look forward to!

I am blessed to be able to say that our life together so far has been a majority of good days. Of course we had some bad days, some sad days, and some annoying days, but in each and every one of them we were together. And we made it through. I know there will be tough times ahead where we are faced with stressful and hard situations (much more trying than we’ve been thrown into so far), but I am 100% confident that the outcome will be favorable when I think about having you there with me through it all.


Looking back at these photos makes me so happy. I loved every single moment of that day, even the things that didn’t go “right” made the day more perfect and memorable. I will never forget the day I married my best friend and seeing my dreams come to life as all my planning came to fruition. ❤

I love you more and I can’t wait to start Year 3!