America, I want you to be beautiful

I wasn’t even sure if this post was worth sharing because let’s face it: everyone has an opinion these days. Everyone has a “side” they are on. A story to tell. Something to say on the issue. A statistic to share.  It is so deafening.

This post isn’t about one event or problem or issue. It’s not just about LGBT rights, law enforcement officers, racism, the presidential election, gun laws, or abortion activists.

It’s about all of it.

How do we expect to fix any of these problems when we are all screaming about EVERYTHING, all the time, and from forty different positions?

All I could think this morning was: “violence does not stop violence,” but no one is listening.

We can shout anything we want – “Black lives matter” “Protect the Second Amendment” “Life begins at conception” “Dump Trump” “Crooked Hillary” – I don’t think it matters what you say anymore. Everyone has decided what they think. You have the right to share that opinion, but stop shaming others for doing the same just because it differs from yours. I have to believe the loudest voice will be the more understanding one. The one that shows more compassion. The one that understands that there is no way, that everyone will ever see the same point of view. So instead, reach out to others and ask them why they feel the way they do. If you must dwell on the issues, have meaningful conversations. Hateful spats on social media change nothing. Getting SO ANGRY about these problems only creates more hatred. More division. More terror.

I know I’m not reaching those that need to read this. But, like everyone else, I wanted to share how I felt. Typically my blog is filled with all the light-hearted parts of life and that’s just how I like to leave it. I want to give readers something easy and relieving to enjoy. Everything else is so heavy all the time. But today it was needed.

I think I am a little naïve. I have the most hopeful heart. I think about the history of this nation and what it was founded upon, how the forefathers tried to establish a place where everyone wanted live. “The land of the free, home of the brave.” It sounds like a beautiful place. And I really believe, with a hopeful heart, we can get back to that. The scary thing is, I fear it is going to take something horrific to bring us all together to make us come to that realization. I understand the urgency of protesters and those booming posts all over twitter. I understand why you want people to see how you feel. Make them change how they think. Bring them to your side. Because that’s one less person you have to fight. But it won’t be enough. Words simply won’t be enough to fix this. We need action. We need a leader that unites us, not one that makes decisions simply based on their favoring political party. We need someone that just does the right thing.

I’m thinking now it doesn’t matter who the President is this November. I feel bad for them. Because they will have their hands full with this day’s America.

To wrap up I’m not claiming to be an expert on any of the above issues. Or any issues at all really. I feel I have common knowledge over all of these topics and can’t pretend to know the ins and outs of how terrible these issues are or how we can change them. I don’t know the answer to any of them. What I do know is that the one thing that can unite us is our nation. We are all Americans. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Here’s a plan: let’s put that back in the classroom and teach our children how to have respect for the country they live in. And maybe recite it to ourselves on a daily basis.

Praying for America. Praying for our government. Praying for those directly effected by the latest acts of terror and hateful crimes. Praying for change.
