Collins – 18 Months

You are starting to shine in your second year of life.

At about 13.5 months old you began officially walking – gone are the tentative three steps, fall down, two steps, fall down – you are everywhere child. In the kitchen getting into cabinets, in the office filing through the books, in the mudroom playing in the dog bowls (your favorite activity and my least favorite), or in the living room rifling through the DVD shelves – you never put them back by the way. You love to get into anything and everything. I have yet to child proof the cabinet doors, they seem like more of a hassle for me to deal with than a preventative measure for you – you’ll find something else if it isn’t all the Tupperware and at least it keeps you occupied while I cook. I don’t mind cleaning up after you day in and day out though, because I like that you can find things to keep yourself entertained. Learning to play by yourself is really important – especially for my sanity ;).

At around the same time you started walking you were permanently weaned and by 14.5 months you were officially done with formula. It was actually harder to get you to quit the bottle than nursing! I thought I would be more upset about our bond ending, but having you fall asleep in my arms, all by yourself, is pretty rewarding as well. Such a big girl, but still my baby girl.

You have such a personality. It catches everyone’s attention. You are still referred to as a “sweetheart,” but you’re ornery and stubborn as can be as well (no idea where you get that from). It’s rather entertaining most of the time. That sly grin is just too cute and even when you do wrong, if you flash that smile it makes me laugh and laugh. At “school” I’d say you’d win “Most Popular.” I think everyone else is just as stupefied by your cuteness as we (your doting parents) are. Every morning when I drop you off there is a scurry of little footsteps as all the kiddos come to give you hugs and kisses and tell you how adorable you look. Maybe they do that to all the babies though….;) Miss Tammie and Miss Lisa dote on you as well – something about you is just hard to get over. It doesn’t matter how often you are around someone, they never tire of you, your smile, or your demeanor. You’ve started to obviously try to be funny and it just gets everyone rolling. Maybe it is because you are so little, but whatever it is, the fact that you deliberately try to make people laugh is heartwarming. By the way, you have a fake laugh in addition to your real laugh right now. Sometimes you just start booming laughter just to get others riled up and it’s freaking hilarious. You know you are good at making others smile and that makes me smile.

You’ve really grown your appetite since turning the Big One – finishing nearly every meal I put in front of you. Some of your favorite foods are cherry tomatoes, blueberries, bananas, corn-on-the-cob, cheese, and spaghetti. Of course you love your sweets too! And I can’t believe how much milk you guzzle down in a day, close to 48 oz at times!

Your daddy and I have big plans for you to become an avid snowboarder in the (near) future, but I already know your heart lies in the summer. You were so fun and active and playful this summer – I don’t think I enjoyed anything more than letting you play outdoors, at the park, in the water, or at the zoo. You were simply LIVING. And loving every second of it.

I am starting to realize that this year’s holidays are going to be vastly different than last years, as you are so active, aware, and curious about everything. While last 4th of July you were a whopping 2.5 months old and spent the day being passed from person to person – this year you were exhausting! Running around, stuffing your face, picking up anything you shouldn’t (trash, sticks, dirt, firecrakers, others’ drinks/food), playing with the puppies, and riding the battery-powered cars – I was one worn out mommy. But I did enjoy the fact that you enjoyed yourself. I never realized how tiring social events are with children though! Next stop – Halloween! With “please” and “thank you” as some regular words you spout – trick or treating is sure to be a blast! And so cute!

We’ve hit 17 months and you made it through your first family vacation – and like a champ no less! Overall, you were amazing on the plane rides (all 6 of them!). The most challenging part of vacationing with you at this stage was not letting you walk around as much as you wanted. There were days it was hard to keep you strapped in the stroller or in the baby carrier or in the carseat. We did a lot of travelling and seeing and doing, and that just didn’t allow for much wandering time for you. When we did let you walk on your own, you would take your sweet time, step in as many puddles and pick up as many leaves/trash/undesirables as you could, and of course say “hi” to everyone we passed. We noticed many people staring and smiling at you, so much so they would nearly walk straight into us (daddy found this annoying lol). We know you may not remember this vacation, but we are hoping there are bits and pieces that stick in your mind. I assume I will hear complaints from you later in your life asking why we couldn’t have taken you when you were older so that you could remember and enjoy it all fully. Sorry, you will have to fund your own European adventure one day. I won’t have a problem telling you how much fun you had though! 😉


Recently, I glanced in the rearview mirror of the car and caught your eye. I gave you my cheesiest smile and you returned with your own. Sometimes I can just look at you and I swear you know what I am thinking. I love that I can physically feel the love and bond we share – and that I can visually see that you feel it too. It is something amazing. After that exchange of cheesy smiles I recalled when you were much smaller, just a few months old, and how a smile from mom may have been comforting, but you didn’t yet have the ability to return one to me willfully. I thought about how I used to coo at you from the front seat and the sound of my voice would soothe you – how just hearing me speak could comfort anything wrong in your life (now the tantrums have begun and mom can’t always solve the problems as easily). I had been a little sad lately that you were growing so fast, but at that moment I realized, although I loved every minute of you being an infant – I have to say that the age you are now is so much more satisfying for me, as you constantly give me love in return. Arms wrapped around my neck in a hug. Attacking me with open-mouthed, slobbery kisses (UPDATE: you pucker up now! And with the “Mwah!” sound accenting your perfect little kisses). Clinging to my leg as I clean the dishes. Pressing your forehead to mine, the way we both say “I love you” without saying anything at all. All of these things are perks of you growing up. I think I can accept that.

Just the other night your dad told me he thinks about what his favorite stage of your life has been with you so far. We were reading the book “If I Could Keep You Little,” and he said “every time I think I like her best how she is, she changes, and I enjoy her even more.” We laughed about how nice the immobile stage was, but I reminded him that you hadn’t yet formed your personality at that point and he conceded, you’re pretty great at every stage.

A year and half old and you have such a hold on my heart. I can’t imagine the spell you’ll have cast on a boy later down the road (WAY later). Even at 1 and a 1/2 you’ve got dozens of grown men who gawk at you, thinking you’re the cutest darn thing. With daddy and his friends, Grandpa, Papa, and several uncles – your adolescent and young adult life is sure to be interesting. Good luck. 😉

Here’s to you my Collins Lorraine! Another six months and you will be my big two year old! *tears!* Your daddy and I love you more than words can describe!
